Meals from the Heart
The Meals from the Heart Program provides a much-needed support service to families taking care of their sick children who often don’t have the time, funds or energy to prepare a healthy, home-cooked meal.
Participate in our “Meals from the Heart” Program in (3) ways.
Your group selects a date to visit and cook for our families. You plan the menu, bring ingredients, prepare, and serve a meal for families. Available seven days a week
No need to be a real Chef. Be a “Guest Chef” Volunteer and prepare meals for families with ease. Utilizing donated food items, take over the kitchen with your personal kitchen talent. Available seven days a week.
Your general donation to the Meals from the Heart can help provide a warm meal for families at the RMHC Charlottesville without ever leaving your home while supporting local businesses! Check our Wish List for ideas.
If you are interested in our Meals from the Heart Program at RMHC Charlottesville, please email Jake Sites at jsites@rmhcharlottesville.org or call (434) 295-1885. We would love to hear from you.