Please Make a Donation.

Thank You For Your Generosity

Your financial support is crucial to helping us serve the families of seriously ill or injured children receiving medical treatment in Charlottesville, Virginia. You may donate to the Ronald McDonald House Charities Charlottesville in several ways:

  • Donate using the online tool just above on this page.

  • Mail a check to the House, accompanied by a Donation Form

  • Give through the CFC or CVC. The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Charlottesville has been approved as part of both the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) and the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC). All charities participating in these programs have been pre-screened to ensure that they are fiscally sound and that they perform the services stated. Payroll deduction allows you to budget your contribution throughout the year through regular automated giving. 100% of your designated contribution goes to the charity. No administrative fees are taken on designated contributions. If you are eligible to donate through the CFC or CVC, talk to your employer to find out more.

    • CFC Code: 62782

    • CVC Code: 200148